Pink Elephant
Folk Song By Lila Tace
4 min
Pink Elephant
Help heal a war-weary world
We’re all looking at the same moon and stars
The paths we take
History’s full of bad jokes and cracks in nooks
But who cares to look?
The world’s a lie
I don’t see the world; I see myself
Pink elephant in the room, in the room, in the room
Never did I foresee
Yellow monkey jump around, jump around, jump around
Little did I believe
What does it take for me to see, for me to see, for me to see
The root lies with me
God, I’m broken
Lost my connection, and I float alone
God, I’m hanging on
Change the channel, broadcast me there. Where?
Right where you abide
The world’s a lie
I don’t see the world; I see myself
Pink elephant in the room, in the room, in the room
Never did I foresee
Monkey jump around, jump around, jump around
Little did I believe
What does it take for me to see, for me to see, for me to see
The root lies with me
© Lila Tace
Written, performed & produced by Lila Tace